TsinghuaX: Chinese History From Warring States to the Tang Dynasty | 资治通鉴

TsinghuaX: Chinese History From Warring States to the Tang Dynasty | 资治通鉴

by Tsinghua University

Introduction to Zizhi Tongjian

Course Description

"Introduction to Zizhi Tongjian" is an enlightening and comprehensive course that delves into one of China's most significant historical works. This course offers a unique opportunity to explore the vast expanse of Chinese history through the lens of the Zizhi Tongjian, a masterpiece that spans nearly 300 volumes and covers 1,300 years of rich historical narrative. As a student, you'll be guided through this monumental text, gaining invaluable insights into Chinese politics, military strategies, and governance principles that have shaped the nation's development over centuries.

What Students Will Learn

  • A deep understanding of Chinese history from the Warring States Period to the Five Dynasties
  • The ability to interpret and analyze historical events and figures
  • Practical wisdom for self-cultivation, family management, and country governance
  • Methods to apply ancient wisdom to modern-day challenges
  • Comparative insights between Chinese and Western cultures
  • Skills in critical thinking and historical analysis
  • The art of drawing practical lessons from traditional culture


This course is designed as an introductory level course and does not have any specific prerequisites. It is accessible to students from all backgrounds, including those who are not majoring in literature or history.

Course Coverage

  • Overview of Zizhi Tongjian and its historical significance
  • Key historical periods from 403 BC to 959 AD
  • Analysis of important historical figures and their actions
  • Exploration of political and military strategies
  • Examination of governance principles and their applications
  • Comparison of Chinese and Western cultural perspectives
  • Techniques for interpreting and applying historical wisdom to modern contexts

Who This Course Is For

  • Students interested in Chinese history and culture
  • Individuals seeking to understand the foundations of Chinese governance
  • Those looking to gain insights from ancient wisdom for personal and professional growth
  • Anyone curious about the development of Chinese civilization over 1,300 years
  • Learners who want to improve their critical thinking and analytical skills through historical study

Real-World Applications

  • Enhancing decision-making abilities in leadership roles
  • Improving strategic thinking in business and politics
  • Developing a more nuanced understanding of international relations, especially with China
  • Applying historical lessons to solve contemporary challenges
  • Fostering cultural competence and cross-cultural communication skills
  • Strengthening analytical and critical thinking abilities applicable to various professional fields
  • Gaining a deeper appreciation of Chinese culture, beneficial for those working with Chinese partners or in China-related industries

Course Syllabus Overview

  1. Introduction to Zizhi Tongjian and its significance
  2. The Warring States Period
  3. The Qin Dynasty and Emperor Qin
  4. The Han Dynasty
  5. The Three Kingdoms Period and Cao Cao
  6. The Sui and Tang Dynasties, including Emperor Taizong
  7. Analysis of governance principles and their modern applications
  8. Comparative studies of Chinese and Western historical approaches
  9. Conclusion: Applying Zizhi Tongjian's wisdom in the modern world

This course promises to be an enriching journey through Chinese history, offering valuable insights that transcend time and remain relevant in today's global context.

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Course Page   TsinghuaX: Chinese History From Warring States to the Tang Dynasty | 资治通鉴