UC3Mx: Pintura europea: Leonardo, Rembrandt, Goya

UC3Mx: Pintura europea: Leonardo, Rembrandt, Goya

by Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

European Painters from 1400 to 1800: Masterpieces and Their Messages

Course Description

Embark on a captivating journey through European art history with our course, "European Painters from 1400 to 1800: Masterpieces and Their Messages." This comprehensive exploration delves into the inspiring works of major European painters, spanning approximately four centuries of artistic brilliance. From the Renaissance to the dawn of the modern era, you'll discover the profound ideas and societal shifts that found expression through the medium of paint.

What students will learn from the course:

  • Identify paintings from various artists and artistic periods, recognizing the distinctive characteristics of art during this era.
  • Understand different approaches to interpreting works of art.
  • Develop critical thinking skills to form personal perspectives on art history.
  • Acquire specialized vocabulary to discuss art history confidently and pursue further studies in the field.
  • Learn to appreciate and understand art as an integral part of life and worldly experience.

Prerequisites or skills necessary to complete the course:

This course is designed for beginners, and no prior knowledge or skills are required. A passion for art and a curiosity about history are all you need to get started!

What the course will cover:

  • The Renaissance and its masters (Fra Angelico, Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo)
  • Northern Renaissance artists (Jan van Eyck, Rogier van der Weyden, Hieronymus Bosch)
  • High Renaissance and Mannerism (Raphael, Dürer, Titian, El Greco)
  • Baroque art (Caravaggio, Rubens, Rembrandt, Velázquez)
  • Dutch Golden Age painting (Vermeer, Frans Hals)
  • 18th-century art (Tiepolo, Watteau, David, Goya)
  • Special topics: women painters, patrons, artist studios, art market, and art history

Who this course is for:

This course is perfect for art enthusiasts, history buffs, and anyone looking to expand their cultural knowledge. Whether you're a student, a professional seeking to broaden your horizons, or a lifelong learner, this course offers invaluable insights into the world of European painting and its historical context.

How learners can use these skills in the real world:

The skills acquired in this course have numerous real-world applications:

  1. Enhanced appreciation of art in museums, galleries, and cultural sites
  2. Improved ability to analyze and interpret visual information
  3. Better understanding of historical and cultural contexts, applicable to various fields
  4. Developed critical thinking and communication skills, valuable in any profession
  5. Increased cultural literacy, beneficial for international business and travel
  6. Foundation for careers in art curation, museum studies, or art education


  • Week 1: The Renaissance - Fra Angelico, Sandro Botticelli, Andrea Mantegna, 15th-century Netherlands, Jan van Eyck
  • Week 2: The Renaissance continued - Rogier van der Weyden, Hieronymus Bosch, Joachim Patinir, Pieter Bruegel the Elder, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo
  • Week 3: High Renaissance - Raphael, Albrecht Dürer, Titian, El Greco, 17th-century painting, Caravaggio
  • Week 4: 17th-century painting - Jusepe de Ribera, Mattia Preti, Guido Reni, Nicolas Poussin, Peter Paul Rubens, Anthony van Dyck, Diego Velázquez
  • Week 5: 17th-century painting continued - Francisco de Zurbarán, still life paintings, Frans Hals, Rembrandt, Johannes Vermeer, Gerard ter Borch, Pieter de Hooch
  • Week 6: 18th century - Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, Antoine Watteau, François Boucher, William Hogarth, Jacques-Louis David, Francisco de Goya
  • Week 7: Special topics - Women painters, patrons, the painter's studio, art market, history of art history

Join us on this enlightening exploration of European painting, and discover how these masterpieces continue to shape our understanding of art, history, and human expression!

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Course Page   UC3Mx: Pintura europea: Leonardo, Rembrandt, Goya