URosarioX: Historia global de la arquitectura islámica: espacio, ciudad, arte

URosarioX: Historia global de la arquitectura islámica: espacio, ciudad, arte

by Universidad del Rosario

Arquitectura Islámica: De la Medina a la Modernidad

Course Description

"Arquitectura Islámica: De la Medina a la Modernidad" is an engaging and comprehensive course that explores the rich tapestry of Islamic architecture and its influence on global design. This course, offered by URosarioX, takes you on a fascinating journey through the complex religious, artistic, and architectural heritage of the Islamic world, spanning vast regions of Asia, Africa, and Europe.

The course dispels common misconceptions about Islamic traditions being disconnected from other cultural currents, revealing instead their intimate connections and far-reaching influence, even extending across the Atlantic Ocean to become an inseparable part of Ibero-American heritage.

What You Will Learn

  • Fundamental concepts of the Islamic world and its culture
  • Introduction to medieval and modern Islamic history
  • Compositional and spatial lexicon of Islamic architecture
  • Complexity of decorative languages in the Islamic world
  • Connections between Latin America and the Islamic world
  • Contemporary architectural projects applying traditional Islamic strategies


This course is designed for beginners and requires no prior knowledge or experience in architecture or art history. It is suitable for all audiences, from those just starting university studies to professionals looking to expand their horizons.

Course Content

  • Basic principles of Islamic culture and their translation into architectural spaces and techniques
  • Key features of walled medinas and their organic urban planning
  • Architectural strategies used in prestigious international projects of the 20th and 21st centuries
  • The role of mosques in Islamic society and their architectural significance
  • The concept and layout of Islamic palaces and palatine cities
  • The influence of the Alhambra and its global impact

Who This Course Is For

  • Students beginning their university studies in art, architecture, or related fields
  • Professionals looking to refresh their knowledge and gain new design perspectives
  • Anyone interested in Islamic culture, architecture, and its global influence
  • Individuals curious about the connections between Latin American and Islamic heritage

Real-World Applications

  • Architects and designers can incorporate Islamic design principles into contemporary projects
  • Urban planners can draw inspiration from the organic layout of medinas
  • Art historians and cultural researchers can better understand the connections between different architectural traditions
  • Educators can use this knowledge to enrich their teaching of world history and cultural studies
  • Tourism professionals can provide more informed guidance on Islamic architectural sites


1. Fundamental Concepts of Islam

  • Introduction to the global history of architecture
  • Origin of Islam and general concepts

2. Mosques of the Islamic World

  • The mosque as a fundamental space in Islam
  • Great mosques of the world
  • The Great Mosque of Córdoba
  • Mosques and madrasas as academic spaces

3. Medinas of the Islamic World

  • The founding myth of the Islamic Medina
  • Logic of the walled medina
  • Traditional Islamic housing

4. Palaces of the Islamic World

  • Palatine medinas: Baghdad and Madinat al Zahra
  • The city of Granada and its complex urban history: "Medina made of medinas"
  • The fortified city of the Alhambra: Evolution and main elements
  • The Alhambra and its global influence
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