AnahuacX: Ciberseguridad. Bases y estructuras para la protección de la información

AnahuacX: Ciberseguridad. Bases y estructuras para la protección de la información

by Universidades Anáhuac

Fundamentos de Ciberseguridad: Protección de Datos

An essential course for understanding and navigating the complex world of cybersecurity

Course Description

Welcome to "Fundamentos de Ciberseguridad: Protección de Datos", an essential course for anyone looking to understand and navigate the complex world of cybersecurity. In today's digital age, access to databases, computer networks, and cloud information is crucial for many of our daily activities. This course recognizes that all users of electronic devices are exposed to various types of computer and cyber attacks, making cybersecurity vital in mitigating risks in our lives.

This introductory-level course, offered by AnahuacX, delves into the foundations of computer security, equipping you with the knowledge to protect organizations and contribute to the common good in society through improved telecommunications systems. The course is conducted in Spanish, making it accessible to Spanish-speaking learners worldwide.

What students will learn

  • Identify the concept of 'computer attack'
  • Recognize the most relevant historical events related to cyber attacks and assess their impact
  • Recognize vulnerabilities in computer systems for proper implementation of protection measures
  • Apply good practices in computing for the proper use of computer equipment in everyday environments
  • Implement actions to improve data protection protocols in personal and institutional settings


Basic knowledge of information technology and computer security is required to fully benefit from this course.

Course Coverage

  • Introduction to computer viruses and their classification
  • Evolution of viruses and fundamental data protection concepts
  • Context of computer and cyber attacks
  • Ransomware attacks and their impact
  • Cyber attacks through social media
  • Attacks on large corporations
  • Understanding hackers and common threats
  • Authentication and authorization systems
  • Physical and logical protection measures
  • Security policies
  • Website vulnerability analysis
  • Case studies of web attacks
  • Infrastructure attacks
  • Social engineering tactics
  • Asset identification and risk evaluation
  • Prioritizing IT protection
  • Prevention and security measures

Who this course is for

  • IT professionals looking to expand their knowledge in cybersecurity
  • Students pursuing a career in computer science or information security
  • Business owners and managers concerned about protecting their digital assets
  • Individuals interested in understanding and mitigating personal cyber risks

Real-world Applications

  • Implementing robust security measures in personal and professional settings
  • Conducting basic vulnerability assessments for websites and computer systems
  • Developing and enforcing effective security policies in organizations
  • Educating others on cybersecurity best practices and potential threats
  • Making informed decisions about IT investments and security priorities
  • Protecting personal and organizational data from cyber threats


Module 1: Viruses

  1. What is a computer virus?
  2. Classification of viruses
  3. The first viruses and their evolution
  4. Fundamentals for data protection

Module 2: Cyber Attacks

  1. Context of computer and cyber attacks
  2. Ransomware attacks
  3. Cyber attacks and social networks
  4. Attacks on large corporations

Module 3: Keys to Computer Security

  1. Hackers
  2. Common threats
  3. Authentication and authorization systems
  4. Physical and logical protection
  5. Security policies

Module 4: Vulnerability Analysis

  1. Website analysis
  2. Case analysis in web attacks
  3. Infrastructure attacks
  4. Social engineering

Module 5: Selection of Security Systems

  1. Asset identification: What do we care about protecting?
  2. Risk assessment
  3. Prioritize your IT protection
  4. Prevention and security measures

By enrolling in this course, you'll gain invaluable insights into the world of cybersecurity, equipping yourself with the knowledge and skills to protect digital assets in both personal and professional contexts. Don't miss this opportunity to become a more informed and secure digital citizen!

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