LouvainX: Modeling and Simulation of Multibody Systems - Part I

LouvainX: Modeling and Simulation of Multibody Systems - Part I

by Université catholique de Louvain

Multibody Dynamics: Modeling and Simulation

Course Description

This course provides comprehensive insights into the modeling and simulation of complex articulated mechanical systems known as multibody systems. Examples of multibody systems include vehicles, merry-go-rounds, motorbikes, and many others. You'll learn the critical processes of translating real-world mechanical systems into virtual multibody models, enhancing them with specific features, programming simulations, and analyzing results using the ROBOTRAN symbolic generator.

What Students Will Learn

  • How to model real-world mechanical systems into accurate virtual simulations.
  • Ways to enhance multibody models with system-specific features and sub-models.
  • Skills to write and use programs in Python, Matlab, or C for simulating and analyzing mechanical systems.
  • Ability to select and present the most appropriate simulation outcomes effectively.


  • Understanding of Newtonian mechanics, linear algebra, and vector theory.
  • Basic knowledge of numerical methods.
  • Ability to program in Python, Matlab, or C.

Course Coverage

  • Theory of multibody system dynamics and mathematical formulations.
  • Methods to translate physical systems into virtual models.
  • Techniques to add specific features like motion controllers to models.
  • Using ROBOTRAN for symbolic generation of motion equations.
  • Programming for time simulation of system dynamics.
  • Analysis and presentation of simulation results, including animations.

Who This Course Is For

Engineers, physics students, researchers, and professionals in the field of mechanical design who are interested in advancing their knowledge and skills in multibody dynamics and simulations.

Applying Learned Skills in the Real World

The skills taught in this course can significantly enhance your ability to design, simulate, and analyze complex mechanical systems in professional settings. Key applications include product design, optimization in engineering, academic research, and development of control systems for dynamic machinery.

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