FedericaX: Introducción a la teoría política: conceptos y grandes pensadores

FedericaX: Introducción a la teoría política: conceptos y grandes pensadores

by Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II

Historia de la Teoría Política: De Platón a Habermas

An online course by FedericaX and IPSAMOOC

"Historia de la Teoría Política: De Platón a Habermas" is an engaging and comprehensive online course offered by FedericaX as part of the IPSAMOOC project, a collaboration between Federica Weblearning and the International Political Science Association. This introductory-level course, presented in Spanish, takes students on a fascinating journey through the history of political theory, spanning from the classical era of Plato to the contemporary works of Jürgen Habermas.

What students will learn:

  • The philosophical and political thoughts of major figures in political theory, starting from Plato onwards
  • Develop the ability to analyze key concepts underlying the works of great philosophers
  • Understand the relevance of classical authors to contemporary society and politics
  • Gain insights into the evolution of central political concepts throughout history
  • Learn about contextual factors influencing various political theories
  • Explore different interpretations of political thinkers and their modern-day significance


This course is designed as an introduction to political theory and can be taken by anyone interested in politics, sociology, or humanities. No specific prior knowledge is required, making it accessible to a wide range of learners.

Course Content:

  • The origins of political theory with Plato
  • Major authors in the traditional canon of political theory
  • Development of central political concepts throughout history
  • Contextual factors influencing political thought
  • Synthesis of key historical periods in political theory
  • Interpretation challenges in understanding different authors
  • Contemporary relevance of classical political theories

Who this course is for:

  • Students of political science, sociology, and humanities seeking additional learning support
  • Citizens interested in political topics and wanting to deepen their understanding
  • Anyone curious about the historical development of political thought and its impact on modern society
  • Individuals looking to enhance their critical thinking skills in relation to political concepts

Real-world applications:

  • Develop a deeper understanding of current political systems and ideologies
  • Enhance critical thinking and analytical skills applicable to various professional fields
  • Gain historical context to better interpret contemporary political issues
  • Improve ability to engage in informed political discussions and debates
  • Apply philosophical concepts to real-world problem-solving in social and political contexts
  • Develop a more nuanced approach to understanding complex societal challenges

The course's methodology aims to be simple, direct, dynamic, and entertaining, focusing on presenting the main features of political theories and how they connect with one another. This approach makes the course accessible and engaging for learners from various backgrounds, whether they are pursuing academic studies or simply expanding their knowledge as engaged citizens.

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