FedericaX: Sistemas políticos comparativos

FedericaX: Sistemas políticos comparativos

by Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II

Course Description

This course is a part of the IPSAMOOC project, a collaborative initiative between Federica Weblearning and IPSA, the International Political Science Association. If you've ever pondered, "What is Democracy?" this course aims to explore it through a comparative analysis of politics involving a multitude of aspects and topics. Beginning with an explanation of the comparative method, attention is given to concept formation and historical and institutional approaches. It highlights how democratic regimes are governed, how electoral laws impact not only political parties and the party system but also citizens. The course progresses into structures and participations of different governments, understanding government coalitions, and their dynamics. The course concludes by assessing the effectiveness of varying democratic regimes and proposals for change, revealing multiple institutional solutions to contemporary democracies' challenges and problems.

What Students Will Learn

  • The comparative method
  • Understanding of different political regimes
  • The workings of democratic governance, electoral systems, and coalitions
  • How to critically reflect on the challenges faced by current democracies
  • Proposed solutions to democratic challenges

Prerequisites or Skills Necessary

No prerequisites are required for this introductory level course, making it accessible to anyone interested in political science and the study of democracy.

What the Course Will Cover

  • Introduction to the comparative method in political science
  • Exploration of different forms of governments and their dynamics
  • Assessment of electoral systems and their impact on political entities and citizens
  • Critical analysis and case studies on the effectiveness of democratic governance
  • Evaluation of current democratic systems and proposed reforms

Who This Course Is For

This course is suitable for individuals excited about understanding the fabric of democracy and its comparative study, including students, professionals in political science, policy makers, and anyone with a keen interest in political sciences.

How Learners Can Use These Skills in the Real World

Skills from this course can be highly beneficial for careers in policy-making, governance, academic research, journalism related to politics, and roles that require a deep understanding of democratic structures and their strengths and challenges. This comprehension can also empower citizens to participate more actively and informedly in democratic processes.

Course Page   FedericaX: Sistemas políticos comparativos