OxfordX: (Russian) международные стандарты свободы слова и безопасности журналистов

OxfordX: (Russian) международные стандарты свободы слова и безопасности журналистов

by University of Oxford

Freedom of Expression MOOC

A Comprehensive Course by OxfordX

Course Description

Welcome to this comprehensive and engaging Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Freedom of Expression, offered by OxfordX. This intermediate-level course, presented in Russian, is designed to provide a deep understanding of the fundamental principles, legal frameworks, and contemporary challenges surrounding freedom of expression in the global context.

Running from May 29 to June 30, 2023, this five-week course offers a unique opportunity to explore the intricate world of freedom of expression through the lens of international law, regional protection regimes, and modern digital challenges. The course is based on UNESCO's Toolkit for Judges and Judicial Actors on Freedom of Expression Standards and builds upon the success of previous MOOCs organized by the Bonavero Institute and UNESCO.

What Students Will Learn

  • Comprehensive understanding of the international legal framework for freedom of expression
  • Analysis of legitimate restrictions on the right to freedom of expression
  • Exploration of the right to access information and its role in democratic processes
  • Insights into journalist safety and the problem of impunity
  • Examination of contemporary digital challenges to freedom of expression
  • Application of existing legal frameworks to online contexts

Course Content

  • General principles and scope of freedom of expression
  • International and regional protection regimes for freedom of expression
  • Legitimate restrictions on the right to freedom of expression
  • Legal framework for the right to access information
  • Role of access to information in democratic processes and sustainable development
  • Safety of journalists and the issue of impunity
  • Specific threats faced by women journalists
  • Contemporary challenges to freedom of expression in the digital age
  • Application of existing legal frameworks to online contexts

Who This Course Is For

  • Representatives of judicial bodies
  • Journalists
  • Academics
  • Legal professionals
  • Human rights activists
  • Anyone interested in freedom of expression and its legal implications

Real-World Applications

  1. Judicial decision-making in cases involving freedom of expression
  2. Advocacy for press freedom and journalist safety
  3. Policy development related to access to information
  4. Legal analysis of online content regulation
  5. Academic research on freedom of expression in the digital age
  6. Promotion of human rights and democratic processes


  • Module 1: General principles and scope of freedom of expression
  • Module 2: Restrictions on the right to freedom of expression
  • Module 3: Access to information
  • Module 4: Safety of journalists
  • Module 5: Digitalization and contemporary challenges to freedom of expression

Each module includes accessible background material, comprehension tests, a discussion forum on the EdX - Edge platform, and a pre-recorded webinar. The course requires less than 2 hours of study per week, making it suitable for full-time professionals. Upon successful completion, participants will receive a certificate of completion.

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