WageningenX: Drones for Agriculture: Prepare and Design Your Drone (UAV) Mission

WageningenX: Drones for Agriculture: Prepare and Design Your Drone (UAV) Mission

by Wageningen University & Research

Drones for Agriculture: Prepare and Design Your Drone (UAV) Mission

Course Description

Are you ready to unlock the potential of drones in agriculture and beyond? Our course, "Drones for Agriculture: Prepare and Design Your Drone (UAV) Mission," is an exciting journey into the world of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and their applications in various fields. Led by top professors from Wageningen University & Research's Information Technology Group and Laboratory of Geo-Information Science and Remote Sensing, this course will equip you with the knowledge and skills to plan and execute drone missions effectively.

What Students Will Learn

  • Identify suitable applications for drone technology
  • Understand international drone legislation and regulations
  • Plan and execute safe drone missions
  • Utilize open-source and commercial mission planning tools
  • Process and analyze drone-acquired data
  • Create valuable image products for various purposes
  • Gain insights into remote sensing and UAV technology


While no specific prerequisite knowledge is required, being a computer software enthusiast will be beneficial. The course is designed for individuals with a general interest in drones, regardless of their background.

Course Content

  • Introduction to remote sensing and UAV technology
  • Applications of drones in agriculture and other fields
  • International drone legislation and regulations
  • Mission planning and preparation
  • Safe drone operation and data acquisition
  • Data processing and visualization techniques
  • Image product creation and analysis
  • Open-source and commercial mission planning tools
  • Vegetation indices used in agriculture

Who This Course Is For

This course is ideal for agriculture technicians, researchers, and graduate students from multidisciplinary technical fields. However, anyone interested in learning how to use off-the-shelf small drones for generating high-resolution images or who has a general interest in drone technology is welcome to participate.

Real-World Applications

  • Agricultural monitoring and crop management
  • Environmental assessment and conservation
  • Urban planning and development
  • Disaster response and management
  • Surveying and mapping
  • Infrastructure inspection
  • Precision agriculture practices
  • Research and data collection in various fields


Module 1: Remote Sensing, UAV's and Applications

  • Introduction to remote sensing
  • Overview of UAV technology
  • Exploration of airborne technology possibilities

Module 2: Planning a mission and acquiring the data

  • Steps in mission planning
  • Mission preparation requirements
  • Safety considerations
  • Data acquisition techniques

Module 3: From acquisition to visualisation

  • Data evaluation and processing
  • Creating valuable products from drone imagery
  • Introduction to data processing techniques used in academia and professional work


By the end of this course, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of the aerial mapping workflow and how to implement it using programmable small drones. You'll be equipped with the knowledge to gain valuable insights from drone missions, opening up exciting possibilities in agriculture and beyond. Join us on this fascinating journey into the world of drones and discover how this technology can revolutionize your field of interest!

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