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by Harvard

Course description

Mounting social and environmental pressures are reshaping the competitive landscape for companies in every industry. Increasingly, companies are expected to adopt a social purpose and practice stakeholder capitalism, and yet few companies know how to do so in ways that also strengthen their performance. Investors are also paying a premium for ESG leaders, but most companies fail to explain how their sustainability efforts create value for shareholders.

This live online program will prepare you to meet this challenge by equipping you with frameworks centered around the concept of Creating Shared Value. Led by the Creating Shared Value authors and faculty cochairs Michael E. Porter and Mark R. Kramer, the program will show you how to move beyond corporate social responsibility and sustainability reports and shift your company's strategy to create positive social impact in ways that also drive business success. In today’s world, companies that create Shared Value by addressing societal challenges as part of their core strategy achieve a higher market capitalization and an enduring competitive advantage.

Featuring faculty presentations, case studies, guest speakers, and guided discussions, the Purpose and Profit: Creating Shared Value program offers a rich learning experience that emphasizes practical application. In addition to learning from classmates around the world, you will also have the chance to hear firsthand from CEOs and senior executives who have successful integrated Shared Value into their company's strategies. In addition, you will benefit from hearing directly from some case protagonists who will be present for their respective case discussions.

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Online Live
December 6 – December 17, 2021
17 - 20 hours per week