Health Equity and Social Determinants of Health

An Intermediate-Level Course by StanfordOnline

Course Description

This intermediate-level course delves into the critical issue of health equity and the social determinants of health. It provides a comprehensive exploration of how societal conditions impact health outcomes across diverse populations, with a particular focus on the history of racism in US healthcare. The course aims to equip students with the knowledge and tools to identify and mitigate the effects of institutionalized medical racism, understand healthcare disparities, and recognize the unique experiences of individuals with diverse social identities in the healthcare system.

What Students Will Learn

  • Define and understand the social determinants of health
  • Analyze how societal conditions create healthcare disparities among different population groups
  • Examine the relationship between race and healthcare access and quality
  • Explore strategies to alleviate structural racism in healthcare settings
  • Investigate how diverse social identities experience healthcare disparities due to various forms of bias
  • Understand the concept of intersectionality and its impact on healthcare experiences

Course Content

  • Social determinants of health and their impact on health equity
  • History of racism in US healthcare
  • Structural racism and its effects on healthcare access and quality
  • Healthcare disparities across diverse patient groups
  • Bias in the healthcare system and its consequences
  • Intersectionality and its role in healthcare experiences
  • Strategies for mitigating institutionalized medical racism
  • The healthcare workplace and diverse social identities

Who Should Take This Course

This course is ideal for healthcare professionals, medical students, public health specialists, social workers, policymakers, and anyone interested in understanding and addressing health equity issues. It's particularly valuable for those looking to enhance their cultural competence and contribute to creating a more equitable healthcare system.

Real-World Applications

  • Healthcare professionals can improve patient care by recognizing and addressing biases and disparities
  • Policymakers can develop more effective strategies to reduce healthcare inequities
  • Public health specialists can design targeted interventions to address social determinants of health
  • Medical educators can incorporate these concepts into their curriculum to train more culturally competent healthcare providers
  • Healthcare administrators can implement policies and practices to create more inclusive and equitable healthcare environments
  • Researchers can conduct studies that further explore the impact of social determinants on health outcomes