Introduction to Social Work

Course Description

Embark on an enlightening journey into the world of social work with this comprehensive introductory course. Designed to provide a thorough understanding of the social work profession and the human services delivery system, this course offers a unique opportunity to explore the various facets of social work practice, from micro to macro levels. Delve into the historical foundations of social work, examine the core values and skills that define the profession, and gain insights into the diverse practice settings where social workers make a significant impact.

What Students Will Learn

  • Comprehensive understanding of the social work profession and its roles
  • In-depth knowledge of the National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics
  • Exploration of power, privilege, oppression, and intersectionality concepts
  • Familiarity with common theories, frameworks, and perspectives in social work
  • Understanding of micro, mezzo, and macro levels of social work practice
  • Insights into various social work practice settings and specializations
  • Development of cultural competency and anti-racism awareness


There are no specific prerequisites for this course. It is designed as an introductory-level course, making it accessible to anyone interested in learning about social work, regardless of their background or prior experience.

Course Coverage

  • Introduction to social work and the human services delivery system
  • Historical development of the social work profession
  • Core knowledge, values, and skills of social workers
  • Foundational frameworks: strengths perspective, socio-ecological model, and biopsychosocial framework
  • National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics
  • Ethical decision-making processes
  • Social and economic justice concepts
  • Exploration of social injustice: racism, classism, sexism, and gender orientation
  • Diversity and cultural competency in social work practice
  • Micro, mezzo, and macro levels of social work practice
  • Various social work practice settings and specializations

Who This Course Is For

  • Individuals considering a career in social work
  • Students exploring social sciences and human services fields
  • Professionals in related fields seeking to understand social work better
  • Anyone interested in learning about social justice, diversity, and making a positive impact in society

Real-World Application of Skills

  • Pursuing a career in social work or related fields
  • Enhancing cultural competency in personal and professional interactions
  • Advocating for social justice and equity in various settings
  • Improving decision-making processes in ethical dilemmas
  • Understanding and addressing social issues in communities
  • Developing a more empathetic and inclusive approach to interpersonal relationships
  • Contributing to policy-making and social change initiatives


Week 1: What is Social Work?
Week 2: Social Work Values and Ethics
Week 3: Theoretical Frameworks that guide practice
Week 4: Cultural competency
Week 5: Anti-racism
Week 6: Social Work Practice Settings

This course offers a transformative learning experience that will equip you with the knowledge and insights needed to understand and potentially pursue a rewarding career in social work. Join us on this journey of discovery and empowerment!