Advances in Biotechnology

From personalized medicine, disease detection and treatment, and other cutting-edge medical advances, biotechnology is revolutionizing both the study and application of healthcare and neuroscience. This broad area of biology involves studying living systems and organisms to develop technologies and products that help improve lives and the health of humanity.

In this engaging course, you will learn from Stanford faculty, other faculty from around the world, and important industry leaders as they share their expertise and experience on a range of topics related to biotechnology. Each one-hour talk will include background about the subject area and in-depth information about cutting-edge research and/or personal case studies.

If you are interested in a career in biotechnology, this course will open your eyes to a wide range of applications. This course is also a great way to "get current" on the latest academic and industrial advances in biomedical science and technology, and examine case studies.

Topics Include

  • Which cutting-edge tools are used in biosciences research
  • What fields in biotechnology are taking off
  • How to vet and invest in biotechnology start-ups
  • The science behind specific biotech advances

Other Topics

  • How proteins fold and misfold within living cells
  • Applying artificial intelligence to bioengineering
  • Molecular imaging technologies to study cancer in vivo
  • Vetting and investing in biotechnology start-ups in Silicon Valley
  • Chemogenetic and optogenetic technologies to probe molecular and cellular networks
  • A global view of Covid-19 and the vaccines
  • Biocompatibility of orthopaedic implants, inflammation, and musculoskeletal tissue regeneration and repair
  • From basic mechanism to neuropathology: role of aging in neurodegenerative disease
  • Monitoring and modulating the human nervous systems in brain and visceral organs
  • NKarta’s allogeneic Natural Killer cells engineered to beat cancer
  • 10X Genomics’: a CEO’s story of building a groundbreaking company to translate novel genomics analysis technologies
  • How the human brain builds itself
  • The emerging crisis of fungal diseases and how to treat them
  • Immune engineering for precision health
  • Spatiotemporal dissection of the human proteome

To view a full list of speakers for AY22-23 click here.

Note: This course is cross listed with CHEMENG450.

Course Page   Advances in Biotechnology