Intentional Power: Six Essential Leadership Skills

Today’s leaders are facing unprecedented challenges as they try to navigate the complex business climate. From the difficulties of managing a multi-generational workforce to diverse employees who have different expectations about the workplace and external stakeholders who are demanding companies step up to solve critical societal issues, more is being asked of leaders than ever before. To succeed in this new world of work, modern leaders need new skills and insights so they can use their power with intention. They must foster democratic, people-focused, people-driven cultures that empower teams across a myriad of locations.This course is designed for next-gen leaders who are eager to step up and increase their impact. First, we’ll address the changing landscape and why traditional leadership models are failing. You’ll gain insight into the foundations of today’s best-in-class companies and the leaders who run them. Then, we will focus on the six core facets of modern leadership—humility, empathy, accountability, resiliency, transparency, and inclusivity. With that insight, you’ll have a better understanding of how you can use your power to become the leader we all want and need—driving impact for your team, company, and the world at large.Through weekly reflections and practical activities, you will build your unique modern leader action plan to evolve your leadership style. Each session will consist of a lecture, discussion, and an exercise on one of the elements. Classes will also include in-depth interviews with industry leaders who embody modern leadership.

JeanAnn Nichols
Executive Mentor and Leadership Coach; Former Vice President, Intel


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