Advanced Integrated Circuit Design

The advanced treatment of analog integrated circuit design using noise and distortion constrained wideband amplification presents complex subjects of electronic noise, distortion and feedback in a holistic framework that is unavailable in commonly used textbooks. Designed to bridge the separation of introductory material on integrated circuit analysis and performance-driven design, this content will prove invaluable to those in the field.

This course is a must for students who wish to acquire a deep understanding of the fundamental effects that limit the performance of high-speed transistor circuits commonly found in electronic products. Knowledge acquired will prepare students for graduate study at an advanced/300 level and prepare them for a successful career as a transistor-level integrated circuit designer.

Topics Include

  • Device operation and compact modeling for circuit simulations
  • Quantitative evaluations of performance using hand calculations and circuit simulations
  • Intuitive approaches to design
  • Analytical and approximate treatments of noise, distortion and feedback circuit analysis
  • Treatment of advanced MOS and bipolar technologies
  • Archtypical analog blocks such as broadband gain stages and transimpedance amplifiers

Course Page   Advanced Integrated Circuit Design