Disrupt Your Business

Disrupt Your Business will examine the meaning, evolution, and impact of disruption by exploring disruption theory, innovation strategy, and human-centered design to give participants the tools and techniques to drive innovation and protect themselves and their organizations against industry disruption.

In this Stanford GSB on-demand course, you will gain access anytime, from anywhere, to proprietary Stanford GSB research-based content. Designed by Stanford’s tenured faculty, this self-guided online offering will enhance your knowledge on a specific topic and help you achieve your goals, without the financial or time requirements of a longer program.

At a Glance

  • Self-Paced Online
  • 60-Day Access
  • 10-15 Hours Time Commitment
  • Register & Pay for Access

Key Benefits

This on-demand online course will empower you to think about and develop your organization or team’s strategy as it relates to disruption.

  • Gain insight into how disruption drives structural industry change through the use of case studies across a broad array of industries
  • Understand how innovation can create the potential for future disruption, and discover the difference between durable initiatives and industry fads
  • Identify the characteristics that protect industry longevity and help defend against being disrupted

Who Should Attend

  • Professionals who wish to deepen their understanding of disruption
  • Leaders who want to advance themselves, their teams, and their organizations by harnessing the power of innovation, trend-forecasting, and disruption
  • Individuals who seek to protect their organizations against disruption and defend their space

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