State-Bank-of-India: Financial Crime : Risk for Banks

State-Bank-of-India: Financial Crime : Risk for Banks

by State Bank of India

Financial Crime Prevention Course

Offered by the State Bank of India

Course Description

Welcome to our comprehensive course on Financial Crime Prevention, offered by the prestigious State Bank of India. This intermediate-level course is designed to equip you with the essential skills and knowledge needed to combat financial crime in today's rapidly evolving economic landscape. As financial crimes become increasingly sophisticated, there's a growing demand for professionals who can effectively identify, prevent, and mitigate these threats. This course offers you the opportunity to build competence against financial crime and advance your career in this critical field.

What You Will Learn

  • Acquire in-depth knowledge and skills in the financial crime field
  • Validate your expertise with an objective, verifiable credential of competence
  • Advance your career with advanced professional skills
  • Develop the ability to manage organizational responsibilities related to financial crime prevention
  • Understand various types of financial crimes and their impact on the global economy
  • Learn about money laundering techniques and prevention strategies
  • Gain insights into fraud detection and prevention
  • Explore anti-corruption compliance and enforcement
  • Understand trade-based money laundering and its indicators
  • Learn about compliance programs and controls in financial institutions
  • Develop cybersecurity awareness and skills to combat cyber financial crimes

Who This Course Is For

  • Finance and banking professionals
  • Compliance officers and risk management specialists
  • Law enforcement personnel involved in financial crime investigations
  • Auditors and accountants
  • Business owners and managers
  • Anyone interested in pursuing a career in financial crime prevention

Real-World Applications

  • Implementing robust anti-money laundering (AML) programs in financial institutions
  • Detecting and preventing fraud in various business contexts
  • Ensuring compliance with international anti-corruption regulations
  • Identifying and mitigating risks associated with trade-based money laundering
  • Developing and maintaining effective cybersecurity measures to protect against financial crimes
  • Conducting thorough Know Your Customer (KYC) and Know Your Employee (KYE) procedures
  • Responding effectively to cyber incidents and data breaches
  • Advising organizations on best practices for financial crime prevention



  • About the course
  • Brief Objectives
  • Relevance

Module I: Financial crime overview and threats to the global economy

  • Definition and Nature of Financial Crime
  • Financial Crime Methods and Vehicles
  • Use of Technology in Financial Crime

Module II: Money Laundering

  • The Financial Action Task Force
  • Money Laundering methods and stages
  • Indicators of Money Laundering
  • Role of Third-Party Entities
  • Terrorist Financing

Module III: Understanding and preventing frauds

  • Nature and types of Frauds
  • Loan Frauds
  • Internal Frauds
  • Red Flags
  • Detection and Reporting

Module IV: Anti-corruption compliance and enforcement

  • Worldview on corruption
  • Forms and methods of corruption
  • Anti-Corruption Organisations
  • Legal framework to Combat corruption

Module V: Trade-Based Money Laundering (TBML)

  • World trade and money movement
  • Wire Transfers
  • Hawala Transactions
  • Indicators of TBML

Module VI: Compliance programs and control

  • AML Compliance
  • OFAC
  • Sanctions Compliance
  • Monitoring and Reporting (STR)
  • Beneficial owners
  • KYC and KYE

Module VII: Cyber Security

  • Recognising and detecting cyber financial crime
  • Social Engineering
  • Network Security Standards and Industry Best Practices
  • Responding to a cyber incident
  • Data privacy laws and regulations
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Course Page   State-Bank-of-India: Financial Crime : Risk for Banks