UMD: Introduction to Transforming with Data Analytics and the Digital Organization

UMD: Introduction to Transforming with Data Analytics and the Digital Organization

by The University of Maryland, College Park

Course Description

This course provides a comprehensive framework for understanding the key elements of digital transformation in organizations. It emphasizes developing capabilities for analyzing data, harnessing technological advancements like machine learning and deep learning, and reinventing business processes. The central focus is on building a competitive business model using digital technologies and ensuring that both leaders and employees are equipped to handle the digital transition.

What Students Will Learn

  • Understanding the role of dynamic capabilities in digital transformation.
  • Identifying the characteristics of successful digital organizations.
  • Exploring the critical need for organizations to transform digitally.
  • Recognizing the essential skills and knowledge for a digital transformation manager.
  • How to prepare an organization culturally and technologically for digital transformation.

Prerequisites or Skills Necessary

No prerequisites are required for this course, making it accessible to anyone interested in understanding and applying the principles of digital transformation in an organizational setting.

Course Coverage

  • Dynamic capabilities and their importance in digital transformation.
  • Creating and evaluating competitive digital business models.
  • Implementing strategic foresight within organizational planning.
  • Developing a customer-centric approach in digital transformation.
  • Building networks of dynamic capabilities for sustained competitiveness.
  • Who This Course is For

    This course is ideal for business leaders, managers, IT professionals, and anyone interested in leading digital change within their organizations. It provides valuable insights for those looking to enhance their strategic decision-making skills with a focus on digital technologies and market dynamics.

    Application of Skills in the Real World

    Skills acquired from this course can be applied in various ways, such us improving customer services through data analytics, enhancing decision-making processes using predictive analytics, and leading digital change initiatives within organizations. Learners will be equipped to assess technology integration opportunities and guide their organizations through the challenges and opportunities of digital transformation.

    Course Syllabus

    Week One: The Digital Enterprise

    • Understanding the need for digital transformation.
    • Overview of new digital technologies.
    • Customer experience as a central focus of digital transformation.
    • Evaluating organizational readiness for digital transformation.

    Week Two: Dynamic Capabilities

    • Identifying and developing dynamic capabilities.
    • Using dynamic capabilities to achieve digital competitiveness.

    Week Three: Fitness Landscapes

    • Exploring the concept of fitness landscapes in business modelling.
    • Integrating digital and social technologies to enhance business operations.

    Week Four: Strategic Foresight

    • Applying strategic foresight in scenario planning.
    • Developing digital business models using strategic foresight.
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