UPValenciaX: Aplicaciones de la Teoría de Grafos a la vida real II

UPValenciaX: Aplicaciones de la Teoría de Grafos a la vida real II

by Universitat Politècnica de València

Applications of Graph Theory to Real Life II

Course Description

Welcome to "Aplicaciones de la Teoría de Grafos a la vida real II" (Applications of Graph Theory to Real Life II), an exciting and comprehensive course that delves deep into the world of Graph Theory and its practical applications. This course, offered by UPValenciaX, is designed to take your understanding of Graph Theory to the next level, building upon the foundations laid in the prerequisite course.

In this course, we approach Graph Theory from a modeling perspective, which will enable you to solve a wide variety of real-world problems. We'll present examples of different problems in real-world contexts, analyze how to represent these problems using graphs, and explore the algorithms necessary to solve them.

What You Will Learn

  • Advanced concepts in Graph Theory and their real-world applications
  • Problem-solving techniques using graph modeling
  • Algorithms for solving complex graph-related problems
  • Application of Graph Theory in logistics, robotics, genetics, sociology, network design, and optimal route calculation
  • Practical skills in modeling and solving real-world scenarios using Graph Theory


To successfully follow this course, you must have completed the prerequisite course "Aplicaciones de la Teoría de Grafos a la vida real I" (Applications of Graph Theory to Real Life I), also available on edx.org. This ensures you have the foundational knowledge necessary to tackle the more advanced concepts presented in this course.

Course Outline

  • Unit 1: Matchings in graphs
  • Unit 2: Eulerian and Hamiltonian graphs
  • Unit 3: Networks and flows
  • Unit 4: Coloring and location on maps

Who This Course Is For

  • Computer science students looking to expand their knowledge of Graph Theory
  • Professionals in fields such as logistics, network design, or data analysis
  • Anyone interested in learning how to apply mathematical concepts to solve real-world problems
  • Individuals who have completed the prerequisite course and want to deepen their understanding of Graph Theory

Real-World Applications

  • Optimizing logistics and supply chain operations
  • Designing efficient computer networks
  • Analyzing social networks and relationships
  • Solving complex routing problems in transportation
  • Applying graph coloring techniques to resource allocation problems
  • Using network flow algorithms for various optimization tasks
  • Applying Eulerian and Hamiltonian graph concepts to real-world scenarios

This course has been recognized with a Special Mention in the I Premio Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deportes (Spain) – Telefónica L.S. - Universia for the MOOC initiative on MiríadaX.

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