GalileoX: Evaluación efectiva del aprendizaje en entornos digitales

GalileoX: Evaluación efectiva del aprendizaje en entornos digitales

by Universidad Galileo

Evaluación del Aprendizaje en Entornos Digitales

Course Description

"Evaluación del Aprendizaje en Entornos Digitales" is an innovative and comprehensive course designed to equip educators with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively assess student learning in digital environments. This course takes participants on a journey from foundational principles to cutting-edge innovations in digital assessment, providing a robust understanding of how to create, implement, and optimize evaluation strategies in the digital age.

What Students Will Learn

  • Fundamentals of digital assessment and its importance in education
  • Design of effective evaluation activities for digital environments
  • Use of innovative technological tools for assessment
  • Advanced strategies for authentic assessment
  • Application of artificial intelligence in evaluation processes
  • Implementation of project-based assessment methods
  • Fostering online collaborative evaluation
  • Exploration of new frontiers in digital assessment
  • Integration of gamification to enhance evaluation
  • Improvement of feedback techniques to enhance learning


  • Basic knowledge of office software
  • Internet navigation skills
  • Ability to register and use web applications
  • Fundamental understanding of learning assessment concepts

Course Coverage

  • Foundations of educational assessment and its classification
  • Characteristics of effective evaluation in digital learning environments
  • Design process for digital assessment activities and instruments
  • Techniques and tools for online evaluation
  • Project-based and collaborative learning assessment
  • Use of digital portfolios and ICT tools for online assessment
  • Automated supervision in evaluation
  • Importance and models of feedback
  • Gamification in assessment
  • Application of AI in evaluation processes
  • Microcredentials and innovative assessment approaches

Who This Course Is For

This course is ideal for educators, instructional designers, e-learning professionals, and anyone involved in digital education who wants to enhance their skills in assessing student learning in online environments. It's particularly suitable for those looking to modernize their assessment techniques and leverage technology to improve educational outcomes.

Real-World Applications

  • Designing more engaging and effective online courses
  • Improving student learning outcomes through better assessment strategies
  • Implementing innovative evaluation methods in digital classrooms
  • Enhancing feedback processes to support student growth
  • Utilizing AI and gamification to make assessments more dynamic and personalized
  • Creating authentic assessment experiences that better prepare students for real-world challenges
  • Developing a more holistic approach to student evaluation in digital environments


Lesson 1: Foundations of Assessment in Digital Environments

  • Fundamentals of educational assessment / classification
  • What makes an assessment effective?
  • Assessment in digital learning environments
  • Functions of learning assessment in teaching
  • Challenges and specific considerations for online assessment

Lesson 2: Designing Assessment for Digital Learning

  • The assessment process and its phases
  • Assessment techniques and instruments
  • Checklists
  • Assessment rubrics
  • Aligning assessment with learning objectives
  • Marzano's Taxonomy and Bloom's Taxonomy, applications and differences
  • Technology wheel
  • Assessment through digital activities

Lesson 3: Learning Assessment

  • Project-based learning assessment
  • Collaborative learning assessment
  • Assessment through digital resources / portfolios
  • ICT tools for online assessment
  • Automated supervision for assessment
  • Importance of feedback
  • Feedback models

Lesson 4: Innovation in Assessment

  • Gamified assessment
  • Tools for gamifying assessment
  • AI support for assessment
  • Generation of assessment activities
  • Learning feedback
  • Use of Magic School
  • Microcredentials
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