GeorgetownX: Ethical Decision-Making: Cultural and Environmental Impact

GeorgetownX: Ethical Decision-Making: Cultural and Environmental Impact

by Georgetown University

Global Influence: Marketing and the Environment

Offered by GeorgetownX

Course Description

"Global Influence: Marketing and the Environment" is an enlightening and thought-provoking course that delves into the complex ethical issues surrounding international corporations' impact on culture, environment, and consumers worldwide. This course challenges students to critically examine the ethical implications of global marketing practices and environmental decisions made by multinational companies, especially in developing countries.

What You'll Learn

  • Ethical frameworks for analyzing global marketing practices
  • The impact of international corporations on local cultures and environments
  • Balancing economic growth with environmental conservation
  • Assessing the ethics of marketing techniques in foreign markets
  • Evaluating the role of corporations in developing countries' decision-making processes
  • Applying rules- and results-based approaches to real-world scenarios
  • Graphing and analyzing the impact of advertisements using various measures


No specific prerequisites are required for this introductory-level course. However, a basic understanding of business concepts and an interest in global issues would be beneficial.

Course Content

  • Ethical considerations in international marketing
  • Cultural shifts triggered by global corporations
  • Environmental impacts of multinational operations
  • Manipulative marketing techniques and consumer protection
  • Balancing consumer choice and product safety
  • Corporate responsibility in developing countries
  • Economic growth vs. environmental conservation
  • Frameworks for ethical analysis in global business
  • Assessing the economic value of nature
  • Operationalizing environmental values

Who Should Take This Course

  • Business students interested in global marketing and ethics
  • Professionals working in international business or marketing
  • Environmental studies students exploring corporate impact
  • Policy makers concerned with regulating global corporations
  • Anyone interested in the ethical implications of globalization

Real-World Applications

  • Marketing professionals can develop more ethical and culturally sensitive campaigns
  • Business managers can make informed decisions about international operations
  • Environmental consultants can better assess corporate impact on ecosystems
  • Policy makers can craft more effective regulations for multinational corporations
  • NGO workers can engage more effectively with global businesses on ethical issues
  • Entrepreneurs can build socially responsible international businesses

Syllabus Overview

  • Introduction to global influence and ethics
  • Rules- and results-based approaches to ethical analysis
  • Marketing ethics in a global context
  • Environmental impact of international corporations
  • Economic growth vs. environmental conservation
  • Assessing and operationalizing environmental values
  • Case studies and practical applications of ethical frameworks
  • Final project or assessment
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