TecdeMonterreyX: Liderazgo en la Era Digital

TecdeMonterreyX: Liderazgo en la Era Digital

by Tecnológico de Monterrey

Liderazgo en la Era Digital

Leadership in the Digital Era

Course Description

Welcome to "Liderazgo en la Era Digital" (Leadership in the Digital Era), an advanced-level course offered by TecdeMonterreyX. This transformative course is designed to equip business leaders with the essential skills and knowledge needed to thrive in today's rapidly evolving digital landscape. As businesses undergo digital transformation, leaders must adapt to manage diverse teams spanning multiple generations while keeping the human element at the center of technological innovation.

What students will learn from the course:

  • Understanding generational leadership styles
  • Identifying digital leadership models and competencies
  • Learning the principles of "Human-Centered Design"
  • Assessing and describing your level of digital readiness

Pre-requisite or skills necessary to complete the course:

A bachelor's degree (Licenciatura) is required as a prerequisite for this advanced-level course.

What the course will cover:

  • Evolution of leadership from analog to digital
  • Models for leading multi-functional, multi-generational, multicultural, and multi-digital teams
  • Digital competency models
  • Digital leadership and enablers
  • Evolution of customer interaction
  • Principles of Human-Centered Design
  • Understanding and creating your own digital readiness assessment

Who this course is for:

This course is ideal for:

  • Business leaders and executives
  • Managers in transitioning industries
  • Entrepreneurs adapting to the digital age
  • Professionals seeking to enhance their leadership skills in a digital context
  • Anyone interested in the intersection of leadership, technology, and innovation

How learners can use these skills in the real world:

The skills acquired in this course are immediately applicable in today's business environment. Learners will be able to:

  • Lead diverse teams more effectively across generational and cultural divides
  • Implement digital transformation strategies in their organizations
  • Enhance customer experiences through human-centered design principles
  • Improve their personal digital readiness and adaptability
  • Drive innovation by balancing technological advancements with human needs
  • Develop a forward-thinking leadership style suited for the digital era


Topic 1. Leadership styles through time
1.1 Evolution of leadership - From analog to digital leadership
1.2 Leadership models: How to guide multi-functional, multi-generational, multicultural, and multi-digital teams
Topic 2. Digital competencies
2.1 Digital competency models
2.2 Digital leadership (digital enablers, "facilitators")
Topic 3. The human being as the center of innovation
3.1 Evolution of customer interaction
3.2 Principles of Human-Centered Design (Note: "behavioral economics")
Topic 4. Digital readiness
4.1 Description of digital readiness
4.2 Create your own digital readiness (Note: Lifelong Learning)

By enrolling in this course, you'll be taking a significant step towards becoming a more effective, adaptable, and innovative leader in the digital age. Don't miss this opportunity to transform your leadership skills and drive your organization's success in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

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